Disable Data Guard Broker Before Patch or Upgrade
On Primary
1. Verify Configuration
2. Disable fast-start failover
3. Disable Configuration
4. Re-Verify Configuration
5. Stop DG Broker on Primary
6. Backup DB Broker Config Files
On Standby
7. Stop DG Broker on Standby
8. Backup DB Broker Configuration Files
0. Overview
++ Please disable the Data Guard Broker before you do patch or upgrade. Enable the Broker after the upgrade again. ++ DGMGRL running on Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2) cannot be used to manage Oracle Data Guard running on Oracle Database 10g or Oracle Database 11g. ++ Handle Data Guard Broker carefully.
On Primary:
[oracle@rac1 ~]$ . oraenv ORACLE_SID = [TEST] ? The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /u01/app/oracle [oracle@rac1 ~]$ dgmgrl DGMGRL for Linux: Version - 64bit Production Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved. Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for information. DGMGRL> connect sys@TEST Password: Connected. DGMGRL> SHOW CONFIGURATION; Configuration - TEST Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Databases: TEST - Primary database TEST_DG - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED <------ Configuration Status: SUCCESS <---- DGMGRL>
2. Disable fast-start failover
++ In our case it is already been disabled. DGMGRL> DISABLE FAST_START FAILOVER; Disabled. DGMGRL>
It will disable the broker's active management of the databases in the Oracle Data Guard configuration
DGMGRL> SHOW CONFIGURATION; Configuration - TEST Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Databases: TEST - Primary database TEST_DG - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status: DISABLED <---- DGMGRL>
SQL> select name,open_mode,database_role from v$database; NAME OPEN_MODE DATABASE_ROLE --------- -------------------- ---------------- TEST READ WRITE PRIMARY SQL> show parameter DG_BROKER_START NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ dg_broker_start boolean TRUE SQL> SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET DG_BROKER_START=FALSE; System altered. SQL> show parameter DG_BROKER_START NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ dg_broker_start boolean FALSE <----- SQL>
6. Backup DB Broker Configuration Files
SQL> SHOW PARAMETER DG_BROKER NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ dg_broker_config_file1 string /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0 .4/dbs/dr1TEST.dat dg_broker_config_file2 string /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0 .4/dbs/dr2TEST.dat dg_broker_start boolean FALSE SQL> [oracle@rac1 ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/ [oracle@rac1 dbs]$ cp dr1TEST.dat dr1TEST.dat.bkp [oracle@rac1 dbs]$ cp dr2TEST.dat dr2TEST.dat.bkp [oracle@rac1 dbs]$ [oracle@rac1 dbs]$ ls -ltr dr* -rw-r-----. 1 oracle dba 20480 Nov 11 15:42 dr1TEST.dat -rw-r-----. 1 oracle dba 20480 Nov 11 15:42 dr2TEST.dat -rw-r-----. 1 oracle dba 20480 Nov 11 15:48 dr1TEST.dat.bkp -rw-r-----. 1 oracle dba 20480 Nov 11 15:48 dr2TEST.dat.bkp [oracle@rac1 dbs]$
On Standby:
SQL> select name,open_mode,database_role from v$database; NAME OPEN_MODE DATABASE_ROLE --------- -------------------- ---------------- TEST MOUNTED PHYSICAL STANDBY SQL> show parameter DG_BROKER_START NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ dg_broker_start boolean TRUE SQL> SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET DG_BROKER_START=FALSE; System altered. SQL> show parameter DG_BROKER_START NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ dg_broker_start boolean FALSE <---- SQL>
8. Backup DB Broker Configuration Files
SQL> SHOW PARAMETER DG_BROKER NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ dg_broker_config_file1 string /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0 .4/dbs/dr1TEST_DG.dat dg_broker_config_file2 string /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0 .4/dbs/dr2TEST_DG.dat dg_broker_start boolean FALSE SQL> [oracle@rac2 ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/ [oracle@rac2 dbs]$ cp dr1TEST_DG.dat dr1TEST_DG.dat.bkp [oracle@rac2 dbs]$ cp dr2TEST_DG.dat dr2TEST_DG.dat.bkp [oracle@rac2 dbs]$ [oracle@rac2 dbs]$ ls -ltr dr* -rw-r-----. 1 oracle dba 8192 Nov 11 15:42 dr1TEST_DG.dat -rw-r-----. 1 oracle dba 8192 Nov 11 15:42 dr2TEST_DG.dat -rw-r-----. 1 oracle dba 8192 Nov 11 15:50 dr1TEST_DG.dat.bkp -rw-r-----. 1 oracle dba 8192 Nov 11 15:50 dr2TEST_DG.dat.bkp [oracle@rac2 dbs]$
Caution: Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk. It is provided for educational purposes only. It has been tested internally, however, we do not guarantee that it will work for you. Ensure that you run it in your test environment before using.
Thank you,
Rajasekhar Amudala
Email: br8dba@gmail.com