Reinstate a failed over Data Guard using Flashback Database
In a Data Guard environment, the operations of any Oracle DBA wants to avoid is a Data Guard infrastructure failover.
Failover is an irreversible transition of a standby database to the primary role. This is only done in the event of a catastrophic failure of the primary database
However, in a MAA environments, unplanned failures can occur and they forces to do a database failover
However, if this failure is repaired in a few hours and the lost data center , is operational again.
Do you need to recreate all the Data Guard infrastructure once the failover has been performed?
1. If flashback enabled on both primary and standby and flashback logs retention time has not exceeded, then it is not necessary.
to recreate standby from scratch.
2. If flashback not enabled on both primary and standby then we need to recreate standby from scratch.
0. Enviroment
1. Pre-quesites
2. Primary Database Crashed
3. Steps to perform Failover with Physical Standby database
4. Reinstate database old primary (w5005pr)
Primary: Platform: Linuxx86_64 Server Name: RAC1.RAJASEKHAR.COM, IP: DB Version: Oracle, File system: ASM DB Name: w5005pr, DB_UNIQUE_NAME: w5005pr; Non-RAC Flashback: Disabled Oracle Home Path: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 Standby: Platform: Linuxx86_64 Server Name: RAC2.RAJASEKHAR.COM, IP: DB Version: Oracle, , File system: ASM DB Name: w5005pr, DB_UNIQUE_NAME: w5005prg; Non-RAC Flashback: Disabled Oracle Home Path: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
1. Pre-quesites: We need to set up Flashback Database
On Primary
Mount the database, configure flashback retention, start flashback database and open the database. SQL> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; SQL> STARTUP MOUNT; SQL> alter system set DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE=2g scope=both; SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest='+DATA' scope=both; SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET=240; # Set up for 4 hour retention SQL> ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON; SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN;
Stop redo apply, configure flashback retention, start flashback database, open the database and start redo apply (Is active DG). SQL> ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE CANCEL; SQL> alter system set DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE=2g scope=both; SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest='+DATA' scope=both; SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET=240; SQL> ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON; SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN; SQL> ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE USING CURRENT LOGFILE DISCONNECT;
DGMGRL> show configuration; Configuration - w5005pr Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Databases: w5005pr - Primary database w5005prg - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status: SUCCESS DGMGRL> [oracle@rac1 trace]$ ps -ef | grep pmon | grep -v grep oracle 3589 1 0 19:53 ? 00:00:00 asm_pmon_+ASM [oracle@rac1 trace]$ USER (ospid: 6254): terminating the instance Instance terminated by USER, pid = 6254 <-- For some reason primary instance crashed
3. Steps to perform Failover with Physical Standby database
[oracle@rac2 ~]$ dgmgrl DGMGRL for Linux: Version - 64bit Production Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved. Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for information. DGMGRL> connect sys/sys@w5005prg Connected. DGMGRL> show configuration; Configuration - w5005pr Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Databases: w5005pr - Primary database w5005prg - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor ORA-16625: cannot reach database "w5005pr" DGM-17017: unable to determine configuration status DGMGRL> DGMGRL> failover to w5005prg; Performing failover NOW, please wait... Failover succeeded, new primary is "w5005prg" <---- DGMGRL> Database alert log (w5005prg) /* Thu Jan 21 21:33:25 2016 Data Guard Broker: Beginning failover <--- Thu Jan 21 21:33:26 2016 ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE CANCEL Thu Jan 21 21:33:26 2016 MRP0: Background Media Recovery cancelled with status 16037 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/w5005prg/w5005prg/trace/w5005prg_mrp0_4750.trc: ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation Recovery interrupted! MRP0: Background Media Recovery process shutdown (w5005prg) Managed Standby Recovery Canceled (w5005prg) Completed: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE CANCEL ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE FINISH FORCE Attempt to do a Terminal Recovery (w5005prg) Media Recovery Start: Managed Standby Recovery (w5005prg) Serial Media Recovery started Managed Standby Recovery not using Real Time Apply Begin: Standby Redo Logfile archival End: Standby Redo Logfile archival Terminal Recovery timestamp is '01/21/2016 21:33:27' Terminal Recovery: applying standby redo logs. Terminal Recovery: thread 1 seq# 25 redo required Terminal Recovery: Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 25 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATA/w5005prg/onlinelog/group_5.273.900719769 Identified End-Of-Redo (failover) for thread 1 sequence 25 at SCN 0xffff.ffffffff Incomplete Recovery applied until change 1582299 time 01/21/2016 21:28:42 Media Recovery Complete (w5005prg) Terminal Recovery: successful completion Forcing ARSCN to IRSCN for TR 0:1582299 Attempt to set limbo arscn 0:1582299 irscn 0:1582299 Resetting standby activation ID 4158708098 (0xf7e0d982) Completed: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE FINISH FORCE ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO PRIMARY WAIT WITH SESSION SHUTDOWN ALTER DATABASE SWITCHOVER TO PRIMARY (w5005prg) Maximum wait for role transition is 15 minutes. Thu Jan 21 21:33:27 2016 ARCH: Archival stopped, error occurred. Will continue retrying ORACLE Instance w5005prg - Archival Error ORA-16014: log 5 sequence# 25 not archived, no available destinations ORA-00312: online log 5 thread 1: '+DATA/w5005prg/onlinelog/group_5.273.900719769' All dispatchers and shared servers shutdown CLOSE: killing server sessions. CLOSE: all sessions shutdown successfully. Thu Jan 21 21:33:27 2016 SMON: disabling cache recovery Backup controlfile written to trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/w5005prg/w5005prg/trace/w5005prg_rsm0_4660.trc Standby terminal recovery start SCN: 1582276 RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 1582299 Online logfile pre-clearing operation disabled by switchover Online log +DATA/w5005prg/onlinelog/group_1.268.900546507: Thread 1 Group 1 was previously cleared Online log +DATA/w5005prg/onlinelog/group_2.269.900546509: Thread 1 Group 2 was previously cleared Online log +DATA/w5005prg/onlinelog/group_3.270.900546509: Thread 1 Group 3 was previously cleared Standby became primary SCN: 1582275 Thu Jan 21 21:33:27 2016 Setting recovery target incarnation to 4 AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter is changed back to its original value as specified in the parameter file. Switchover: Complete - Database mounted as primary Completed: ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO PRIMARY WAIT WITH SESSION SHUTDOWN ALTER DATABASE OPEN Data Guard Broker initializing... Thu Jan 21 21:33:27 2016 Assigning activation ID 4159548412 (0xf7edabfc) Thu Jan 21 21:33:27 2016 ARCc: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2 (thread open) Thu Jan 21 21:33:27 2016 ARCd: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH Thread 1 opened at log sequence 2 Current log# 2 seq# 2 mem# 0: +DATA/w5005prg/onlinelog/group_2.269.900546509 Successful open of redo thread 1 MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set Thu Jan 21 21:33:27 2016 ARCe: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH SMON: enabling cache recovery Thu Jan 21 21:33:27 2016 ..... ..... No Resource Manager plan active Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 3 (LGWR switch) Current log# 3 seq# 3 mem# 0: +DATA/w5005prg/onlinelog/group_3.270.900546509 Thu Jan 21 21:33:28 2016 ARC3: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH Archived Log entry 225 added for thread 1 sequence 2 ID 0xf7edabfc dest 1: Starting background process QMNC Thu Jan 21 21:33:29 2016 QMNC started with pid=63, OS id=5812 LOGSTDBY: Validating controlfile with logical metadata LOGSTDBY: Validation complete Completed: ALTER DATABASE OPEN ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_trace=0 SCOPE=BOTH SID='w5005prg'; ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_format='%t_%s_%r.dbf' SCOPE=SPFILE SID='w5005prg'; ALTER SYSTEM SET standby_file_management='AUTO' SCOPE=BOTH SID='*'; ALTER SYSTEM SET archive_lag_target=0 SCOPE=BOTH SID='*'; ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_max_processes=30 SCOPE=BOTH SID='*'; ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_min_succeed_dest=1 SCOPE=BOTH SID='*'; ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_dest_state_2='RESET' SCOPE=BOTH; Failover succeeded. Primary database is now w5005prg. Thu Jan 21 21:33:31 2016 idle dispatcher 'D000' terminated, pid = (20, 1) Starting background process CJQ0 Thu Jan 21 21:33:31 2016 CJQ0 started with pid=69, OS id=5871 Thu Jan 21 21:33:32 2016 Active Session History (ASH) performed an emergency flush. This may mean that ASH is undersized. If emergency flushes are a recurring issue, you may consider increasing ASH size by setting the value of _ASH_SIZE to a sufficiently large value. Currently, ASH size is 2097152 bytes. Both ASH size and the total number of emergency flushes since instance startup can be monitored by running the following query: select total_size,awr_flush_emergency_count from v$ash_info; */ DGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - w5005pr Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Databases: w5005prg - Primary database w5005pr - Physical standby database (disabled) ORA-16661: the standby database needs to be reinstated Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status: SUCCESS DGMGRL>
4. Reinstate database (w5005pr)
On New Primary DGMGRL> reinstate database w5005pr; Reinstating database "w5005pr", please wait... Error: ORA-16653: failed to reinstate database Failed. Reinstatement of database "w5005pr" failed DGMGRL> /* Failing it would have needed to configure flashback database to be able to do so automatically… If you try to start w5005pr database in MOUNT state and issue again a request to reinstate you will now get clear error message: */ On old Primary (W5005PR) [oracle@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Jan 12 00:05:33 2016 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup mount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1269366784 bytes Fixed Size 2227984 bytes Variable Size 1090519280 bytes Database Buffers 167772160 bytes Redo Buffers 8847360 bytes Database mounted. SQL> On New Primary DGMGRL> reinstate database w5005pr; <--- Reinstating database "w5005pr", please wait... Operation requires shutdown of instance "w5005pr" on database "w5005pr" Shutting down instance "w5005pr"... ORA-01109: database not open Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. Operation requires startup of instance "w5005pr" on database "w5005pr" Starting instance "w5005pr"... ORACLE instance started. Database mounted. Continuing to reinstate database "w5005pr" ... Reinstatement of database "w5005pr" succeeded <---- DGMGRL> Database alert log. (w5005pr) /* Starting Data Guard Broker (DMON) Thu Jan 21 21:43:59 2016 INSV started with pid=27, OS id=6547 Thu Jan 21 21:44:02 2016 NSV1 started with pid=28, OS id=6559 Thu Jan 21 21:44:07 2016 NSV1 started with pid=28, OS id=6567 Thu Jan 21 21:44:10 2016 RSM0 started with pid=30, OS id=6571 Thu Jan 21 21:44:10 2016 Using STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter default value as +FRA RFS[1]: Assigned to RFS process 6575 RFS[1]: Database mount ID mismatch [0xf7edabfc:0xf7ede817] (4159548412:4159563799) RFS[1]: Not using real application clusters Thu Jan 21 21:44:12 2016 RFS[2]: Assigned to RFS process 6579 RFS[2]: Database mount ID mismatch [0xf7edabfc:0xf7ede817] (4159548412:4159563799) RFS[2]: Not using real application clusters FLASHBACK DATABASE TO SCN 1582275 SUCCESS: diskgroup FRA was mounted Flashback Restore Start Thu Jan 21 21:44:13 2016 NOTE: dependency between database w5005pr and diskgroup resource ora.FRA.dg is established Flashback Restore Complete Flashback Media Recovery Start Serial Media Recovery started Flashback Media Recovery Log +FRA/w5005pr/archivelog/2016_01_21/thread_1_seq_21.421.901747617 Flashback Media Recovery Log +FRA/w5005pr/archivelog/2016_01_21/thread_1_seq_22.422.901747623 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 1 Seq 23 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATA/w5005pr/onlinelog/group_1.278.900894305 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 24 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATA/w5005pr/onlinelog/group_2.279.900894307 Incomplete Recovery applied until change 1582276 time 01/21/2016 21:28:19 Flashback Media Recovery Complete Completed: FLASHBACK DATABASE TO SCN 1582275 alter database convert to physical standby ALTER DATABASE CONVERT TO PHYSICAL STANDBY (w5005pr) Flush standby redo logfile failed:1649 Clearing standby activation ID 4158708098 (0xf7e0d982) The primary database controlfile was created using the 'MAXLOGFILES 16' clause. There is space for up to 13 standby redo logfiles Use the following SQL commands on the standby database to create standby redo logfiles that match the primary database: ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'srl1.f' SIZE 52428800; ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'srl2.f' SIZE 52428800; ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'srl3.f' SIZE 52428800; ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'srl4.f' SIZE 52428800; Waiting for all non-current ORLs to be archived... All non-current ORLs have been archived. Clearing online redo logfile 1 +DATA/w5005pr/onlinelog/group_1.278.900894305 Clearing online log 1 of thread 1 sequence number 23 Clearing online redo logfile 1 complete Clearing online redo logfile 2 +DATA/w5005pr/onlinelog/group_2.279.900894307 Clearing online log 2 of thread 1 sequence number 24 Clearing online redo logfile 2 complete Clearing online redo logfile 3 +DATA/w5005pr/onlinelog/group_3.280.900894309 Clearing online log 3 of thread 1 sequence number 25 Clearing online redo logfile 3 complete Completed: alter database convert to physical standby Thu Jan 21 21:44:16 2016 Shutting down instance (immediate) Shutting down instance: further logons disabled Stopping background process MMNL Stopping background process MMON License high water mark = 3 All dispatchers and shared servers shutdown alter database CLOSE NORMAL ORA-1109 signalled during: alter database CLOSE NORMAL... alter database DISMOUNT Shutting down archive processes Archiving is disabled Thu Jan 21 21:44:17 2016 NOTE: Deferred communication with ASM instance NOTE: deferred map free for map id 4 Thu Jan 21 21:44:17 2016 NOTE: Deferred communication with ASM instance NOTE: deferred map free for map id 77 Thu Jan 21 21:44:17 2016 NOTE: Deferred communication with ASM instance NOTE: deferred map free for map id 2 Thu Jan 21 21:44:17 2016 NOTE: Deferred communication with ASM instance Completed: alter database DISMOUNT ARCH: Archival disabled due to shutdown: 1089 Shutting down archive processes Archiving is disabled Shutting down Data Guard Broker processes Thu Jan 21 21:44:19 2016 Completed: Data Guard Broker shutdown ARCH: Archival disabled due to shutdown: 1089 Shutting down archive processes Archiving is disabled Thu Jan 21 21:44:21 2016 Stopping background process VKTM Thu Jan 21 21:44:21 2016 NOTE: Shutting down MARK background process Thu Jan 21 21:44:23 2016 Instance shutdown complete Thu Jan 21 21:44:23 2016 Starting ORACLE instance (normal) LICENSE_MAX_SESSION = 0 LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING = 0 Picked latch-free SCN scheme 3 WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest is same as db_create_file_dest Autotune of undo retention is turned on. IMODE=BR ILAT =27 LICENSE_MAX_USERS = 0 SYS auditing is disabled Starting up: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options. ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 System name: Linux Node name: Release: 2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek Version: #1 SMP Wed Jul 27 21:02:33 EDT 2011 Machine: x86_64 Using parameter settings in server-side pfile /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/initw5005pr.ora System parameters with non-default values: processes = 150 spfile = "+DATA/w5005pr/spfilew5005pr.ora" memory_target = 1216M control_files = "+DATA/w5005pr/controlfile/current.268.900456457" db_block_size = 8192 compatible = "" log_archive_dest_1 = "LOCATION=+FRA VALID_FOR=(ALL_LOGFILES,ALL_ROLES) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=w5005pr" log_archive_dest_2 = "service="w5005prg"" log_archive_dest_2 = "LGWR ASYNC NOAFFIRM delay=0 optional compression=disable max_failure=0 max_connections=1 reopen=300 db_unique_name="w5005prg" net_timeout=30" log_archive_dest_2 = "valid_for=(all_logfiles,primary_role)" log_archive_dest_state_1 = "ENABLE" log_archive_dest_state_2 = "ENABLE" log_archive_min_succeed_dest= 1 fal_client = "W5005PR" fal_server = "w5005prg" log_archive_trace = 0 log_archive_config = "DG_CONFIG=(w5005pr,w5005prg)" log_archive_format = "%t_%s_%r.dbf" log_archive_max_processes= 30 archive_lag_target = 0 db_create_file_dest = "+DATA" db_recovery_file_dest = "+DATA" db_recovery_file_dest_size= 2G standby_file_management = "AUTO" undo_tablespace = "UNDOTBS1" remote_login_passwordfile= "EXCLUSIVE" db_domain = "" dispatchers = "(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=w5005prXDB)" job_queue_processes = 0 audit_file_dest = "/u01/app/oracle/admin/w5005pr/adump" audit_trail = "DB" db_name = "w5005pr" db_unique_name = "w5005pr" open_cursors = 300 dg_broker_start = TRUE diagnostic_dest = "/u01/app/oracle" Thu Jan 21 21:44:24 2016 PMON started with pid=2, OS id=6641 Thu Jan 21 21:44:24 2016 PSP0 started with pid=3, OS id=6645 Thu Jan 21 21:44:25 2016 VKTM started with pid=4, OS id=6649 at elevated priority VKTM running at (1)millisec precision with DBRM quantum (100)ms Thu Jan 21 21:44:25 2016 ... ... NOTE: initiating MARK startup starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address '(ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))'... Starting background process MARK Thu Jan 21 21:44:25 2016 MMNL started with pid=18, OS id=6711 Thu Jan 21 21:44:25 2016 MARK started with pid=19, OS id=6715 NOTE: MARK has subscribed starting up 1 shared server(s) ... ORACLE_BASE not set in environment. It is recommended that ORACLE_BASE be set in the environment Reusing ORACLE_BASE from an earlier startup = /u01/app/oracle Thu Jan 21 21:44:25 2016 DMON started with pid=23, OS id=6736 Thu Jan 21 21:44:25 2016 alter database mount Thu Jan 21 21:44:25 2016 ALTER SYSTEM SET local_listener='(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=' SCOPE=MEMORY SID='w5005pr'; NOTE: Loaded library: System SUCCESS: diskgroup DATA was mounted NOTE: dependency between database w5005pr and diskgroup resource ora.DATA.dg is established ARCH: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES Thu Jan 21 21:44:32 2016 ARC0 started with pid=26, OS id=6786 ARC0: Archival started ARCH: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES COMPLETE ARC0: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES Thu Jan 21 21:44:33 2016 ARC1 started with pid=27, OS id=6790 Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 4159536441 Allocated 4194304 bytes in shared pool for flashback generation buffer Starting background process RVWR .. .. ARC0: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES COMPLETE Thu Jan 21 21:44:38 2016 Starting Data Guard Broker (DMON) Thu Jan 21 21:44:38 2016 INSV started with pid=64, OS id=6983 Thu Jan 21 21:44:43 2016 NSV1 started with pid=65, OS id=6991 Thu Jan 21 21:44:46 2016 RSM0 started with pid=66, OS id=7001 Thu Jan 21 21:44:46 2016 Using STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter default value as +FRA Thu Jan 21 21:44:46 2016 SUCCESS: diskgroup FRA was mounted RFS[1]: Assigned to RFS process 7007 RFS[1]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 25 dbid -136715127 branch 900893050 Archived Log entry 39 added for thread 1 sequence 25 rlc 900893050 ID 0xf7e0d982 dest 2: Thu Jan 21 21:44:46 2016 NOTE: dependency between database w5005pr and diskgroup resource ora.FRA.dg is established Thu Jan 21 21:44:46 2016 RFS[2]: Assigned to RFS process 7011 RFS[2]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 1 dbid -136715127 branch 901748007 RFS[2]: New Archival REDO Branch(resetlogs_id): 901748007 Prior: 900893050 RFS[2]: Archival Activation ID: 0xf7edabfc Current: 0x0 RFS[2]: Effect of primary database OPEN RESETLOGS RFS[2]: Incarnation entry added for Branch(resetlogs_id): 901748007 (w5005pr) Thu Jan 21 21:44:46 2016 RFS[3]: Assigned to RFS process 7013 RFS[3]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 2 dbid -136715127 branch 901748007 Thu Jan 21 21:44:46 2016 Setting recovery target incarnation to 4 Archived Log entry 40 added for thread 1 sequence 1 rlc 901748007 ID 0xf7edabfc dest 2: Thu Jan 21 21:44:46 2016 RFS[4]: Assigned to RFS process 7015 RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 3 dbid -136715127 branch 901748007 Archived Log entry 41 added for thread 1 sequence 2 rlc 901748007 ID 0xf7edabfc dest 2: Archived Log entry 42 added for thread 1 sequence 3 rlc 901748007 ID 0xf7edabfc dest 2: RFS[2]: Selected log 4 for thread 1 sequence 4 dbid -136715127 branch 901748007 Thu Jan 21 21:44:47 2016 Archived Log entry 43 added for thread 1 sequence 4 ID 0xf7edabfc dest 1: Thu Jan 21 21:44:47 2016 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[5]: Assigned to RFS process 7023 RFS[5]: Selected log 4 for thread 1 sequence 5 dbid -136715127 branch 901748007 Data Guard: Failover target was Real Time Query standby; attempting to open this standby after reinstatement ... ALTER DATABASE OPEN READ ONLY Data Guard Broker initializing... Data Guard Broker initialization complete AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter is changed to OS, as DB is NOT compatible for database opened with read-only access Thu Jan 21 21:44:49 2016 SMON: enabling cache recovery Dictionary check beginning Dictionary check complete Database Characterset is WE8MSWIN1252 No Resource Manager plan active replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found) Physical standby database opened for read only access. Completed: ALTER DATABASE OPEN READ ONLY Thu Jan 21 21:44:50 2016 db_recovery_file_dest_size of 2048 MB is 5.52% used. This is a user-specified limit on the amount of space that will be used by this database for recovery-related files, and does not reflect the amount of space available in the underlying filesystem or ASM diskgroup. ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_trace=0 SCOPE=BOTH SID='w5005pr'; ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_format='%t_%s_%r.dbf' SCOPE=SPFILE SID='w5005pr'; ALTER SYSTEM SET standby_file_management='AUTO' SCOPE=BOTH SID='*'; ALTER SYSTEM SET archive_lag_target=0 SCOPE=BOTH SID='*'; ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_max_processes=30 SCOPE=BOTH SID='*'; ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_min_succeed_dest=1 SCOPE=BOTH SID='*'; ALTER SYSTEM SET fal_server='w5005prg' SCOPE=BOTH; ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE THROUGH ALL SWITCHOVER DISCONNECT USING CURRENT LOGFILE Attempt to start background Managed Standby Recovery process (w5005pr) Thu Jan 21 21:44:51 2016 MRP0 started with pid=73, OS id=7050 MRP0: Background Managed Standby Recovery process started (w5005pr) Serial Media Recovery started Managed Standby Recovery starting Real Time Apply Media Recovery start incarnation depth : 1, target inc# : 4, irscn : 1582299 Waiting for all non-current ORLs to be archived... All non-current ORLs have been archived. Media Recovery Log +FRA/w5005pr/archivelog/2016_01_21/thread_1_seq_25.425.901748687 Identified End-Of-Redo (failover) for thread 1 sequence 25 at SCN 0x0.1824db Resetting standby activation ID 4158708098 (0xf7e0d982) Media Recovery End-Of-Redo indicator encountered Media Recovery Continuing Media Recovery Log +FRA/w5005pr/archivelog/2016_01_21/thread_1_seq_1.426.901748687 Media Recovery Log +FRA/w5005pr/archivelog/2016_01_21/thread_1_seq_2.427.901748687 Media Recovery Log +FRA/w5005pr/archivelog/2016_01_21/thread_1_seq_3.428.901748687 Media Recovery Log +FRA/w5005pr/archivelog/2016_01_21/thread_1_seq_4.429.901748687 Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 5 (in transit) Thu Jan 21 21:44:57 2016 Completed: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE THROUGH ALL SWITCHOVER DISCONNECT USING CURRENT LOGFILE Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 5 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATA/w5005pr/onlinelog/group_4.281.900894309 Thu Jan 21 21:45:00 2016 Archived Log entry 44 added for thread 1 sequence 5 ID 0xf7edabfc dest 1: Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 6 Thu Jan 21 21:45:00 2016 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[6]: Assigned to RFS process 7054 RFS[6]: Selected log 4 for thread 1 sequence 6 dbid -136715127 branch 901748007 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 6 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATA/w5005pr/onlinelog/group_4.281.900894309 */ DGMGRL> show configuration; Configuration - w5005pr Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Databases: w5005prg - Primary database w5005pr - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status: SUCCESS DGMGRL>
Caution: Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk. It is provided for educational purposes only. It has been tested internally, however, we do not guarantee that it will work for you. Ensure that you run it in your test environment before using.