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OS commands for DBA
2. Find
3. SAR
4. vmstat
5. iostat
6. swap
7. uptime
8. Top CPU users
9. Top memory users
10. Check disk space
11. TOP Command Examples
12. Find number of CPU
13. Trace SID
14. System logfile
15. Send mail
16. Tar Command Examples
17. ZIP Command Examples
18. GZIP Command Examples
/usr/sbin/prtconf | grep Mem -- For Solaris dmesg -- For HP-UX lsdev -C | grep mem -- For AIX lsattr -El mem0 ( output from previous command) -- For AIX free -- For Linux uerf -r 300 | grep -I mem -- DEC-UNIX
find / -print | grep -i z.sql -- In root mount point searching for file "z.sql" find /usr/lib -name "*raj*" /*finding can’t remember the exact name of*/ find . -size +20000 /*find files bigger than 20000 blocks, about 10MB )*/ find . -size +20000 -mtime -1 -ls find . -mtime -1 /*Find files or directories modified in last day*/ find /tmp -atime +45 /*find files not accessed (read) in 45 days*/ find . -name "*.c" |xargs grep -l libsocket /*look for a particular word in all your .c files*/
3. SAR (System Activity Report)
sar -u 1 10 /*if I run sar 1 10 it will report to the screen, 10 instances every one second*/
vmstat 1 5 /*vmstat [interval] [count]*/
iostat -x 1 5 /*iostat [interval] [count]*/
/usr/sbin/swap -s /*solaris*/
uptime /*check system load average: an uptime more than double the number of CPUs is getting a bit busy*/
/usr/ucb/ps uax |head /*solaris*/
/usr/ucb/ps vax |head /*solaris*/
df -h or df -k or df -g /*shows all mounted filesystems*/ df -h /u01 /*show space for specified mountpoing /u01 */ du -sh /home/oracle /*To find size of a directory */ du -sk [root@rac1 ~]# du -k /u01 | sort -r -n -k 1 | head -20 | awk ' { print $2 "....."$1/1024 "MB" } ' /u01.....48585.8MB /u01/app.....40167.6MB /u01/app/oracle.....21521.9MB /u01/app/oracle/product.....20262.3MB /u01/app/grid/product/12.2.....17900.2MB /u01/app/grid/product.....17900.2MB /u01/app/grid.....17900.2MB /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1.....13300.9MB /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0.....13300.9MB /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2/db_1.....6961.39MB /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.....6961.39MB /u01/stage/30920127.....5662.84MB /u01/stage.....5662.84MB /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs.....3836.5MB /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2/db_1/database.....3667.68MB /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2/db_1/database/stage.....3665.52MB /u01/app/grid/product/12.2/.patch_storage.....3249.18MB /u01/stage/30920127/30869447.....3093.78MB /u01/stage/30920127/30869447/files.....3093.64MB /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2/db_1/database/stage/Components.....3053.15MB [root@rac1 ~]#
# top /*it will show information like tasks, memory, cpu and swap. Press ‘q‘ to quit window*/ # top -u oracle /*will display specific User process details*/ # top ---> then press z /*will display running process in color which may help you to identified running process easily*/ # top ---> then press c /*will display absolute path of running process*/ # top ---> then press d /*Default screen refresh interval is 3.0 seconds, can change pressing ‘d‘ option*/ # top ---> then press k /*You can kill PID in running top command without exiting from top window*/ # top ---> then press Shift+P /*to sort processes as per CPU utilization*/ # top ---> then press r /*To change the priority of the process (Renice a Process)*/ # top ---> then press Shift+W /*To save top command results*/ # top ---> then press h /*Getting Top Command Help*/ # top ---> then press Shift+O then press "a" /*press ‘a‘ letter to sort process with PID (Process ID)/*
psrinfo | wc -l /*Solaris --suppose virtual CPU*/ cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc –l /*Linux*/ psrinfo -v|grep "Status of processor"|wc –l /*Solaris*/ lsdev -C|grep Process|wc –l /*AIX*/ ioscan -C processor | grep processor | wc -l /*HP-UX*/
truss -p /*Solaris and AIX*/ strace -p /*Linux*/ trace -p /*Tru 64*/
Linux: /var/log/messages Solaris, HP Tru64: /var/adm/messages HP-UX: /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log AIX: /bin/errpt
15. Send mail with attachments
uuencode 1.txt 2.txt | mailx -s "subject of mail"
echo Body of the mail |mailx -s Attachment -a file.txt
TAR tar -cvf /u01/zzz.tar /home/zzz/ /*will create tar file for /home/zzz directory, it will keep original files as it is*/ c – Creates a new .tar archive file. v – Verbosely show the .tar file progress. f – File name type of the archive file. UNTAR tar -xvf /u01/zzz.tar -C /home/oracle /*Untar files in specified Directory*/ TAR Compress Create tar.gz Archive File use option z tar cvzf /u01/zzz.tar.gz /home/zzz /*will create tar file for /home/zzz directory*/ TAR UnCompress tar -xvf /u01/zzz.tar.gz -C /home/oracle /*Untar files in specified Directory*/ TAR Compress tar.bz2 Create tar.bz2 Archive File The bz2 feature compress and create archive file less than the size of the gzip. The bz2 compression takes more time to compress and decompress files as compared to gzip which takes less time. To create highly compressed tar file we use option as j. tar cvfj /u01/zzz.tar.bz2 /home/zzz/ -- /*will create tar file for /home/zzz directory*/ TAR UnCompress tar.bz2 tar -xvf /u01/zzz.tar.bz2 -C /home/oracle /*Untar files in specified Directory*/ List Content of tar Archive File tar -tvf /u01/zzz.tar tar -tvf /u01/zzz.tar.gz tar -tvf /u01/zzz.tar.bz2 Untar Single file from tar File tar -xvf /u01/zzz.tar init.ora tar -zxvf /u01/zzz.tar.gz init.ora tar -jxvf /u01/zzz.tar.gz.bz2 init.ora or tar --extract --file=/u01/zzz.tar init.ora tar --extract --file=/u01/zzz.tar.gz init.ora tar --extract --file=/u01/zzz.tar.gz.bz2 init.ora Untar Multiple files from tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 File tar -xvf /u01/zzz.tar "file 1" "file 2" tar -zxvf /u01/zzz.tar.gz "file 1" "file 2" tar -jxvf /u01/zzz.tar.bz2 "file 1" "file 2" Extract Group of Files using Wildcard tar -xvf /u01/zzz.tar --wildcards '*.php' tar -zxvf /u01/zzz.tar.gz --wildcards '*.php' tar -jxvf /u01/zzz.tar.bz2 --wildcards '*.php'
Zipping individual files zip file1 file2 file3 Zip a file or folder zip file1 file2 folder1 Zip a folder (including all subdirectories) zip -r folder1* Zip a folder to a different location zip -r /tmp/ /home/oracle/folder1 List all the files stored in a zip file unzip -l Unzip unzip To unzip to a specific directory use -d option unzip -d /tmp Unzip specific file from an archive unzip
zipping a file with gzip command gzip file1 file2 file3 oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ ls dump.doc.gz file1.gz <-- it will zip individually oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ Note: Above gzip command will create files dump.doc.gz, file1.gz and respectively by replacing original files. To avoid deleting of original files, use -k(keep) option with zgip command gzip -k dump.doc file1 oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ ls dump.doc dump.doc.gz file1 file1.gz oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ How to zip group of files to a gzip single compressed file gzip don't know how to add files to a single comprss file and it just compress each file individually by default. oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ cat dump.doc file1 | gzip > all.gz oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ ls all.gz dump.doc file1 oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ Unzip the gzip file gunzip all.gz oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ ls all.gz dump.doc file1 oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ gunzip all.gz oracle@rac1:~/test/test$ ls all dump.doc file1 <-- gzip file automatically deleted once unzipped