How to Create and Monitor DBMS_SCHEDULER Jobs
Step 0: Overview
Step 2: Find the current status of job
Step 3: Find the SID
Step 4: How to find job is enabled(or)disabled
Step 5: How to Disbale DBMS_SCHEDULER job
Step 6: How to Enable DBMS_SCHEDULER job
Step 7: How to stop DBMS_SCHEDULER job
Step 8: How to start DBMS_SCHEDULER job
Step 9: How to change repeat_interval
Step 10: DBMS_SCHEDULER tables for Job monitoring
In Oracle 10g the DBMS_JOB package is replaced by the DBMS_SCHEDULER package.
The DBMS_JOB package is now depricated and in Oracle 10g it's only provided for backward compatibility.
From Oracle 10g the DBMS_JOB package should not be used any more, because is could not exist in a future version of Oracle.
With DBMS_SCHEDULER Oracle procedures and functions can be executed. Also binary and shell-scripts can be scheduled.
-- Create Procedure -- SQL> show user USER is "EP" SQL> CREATE PROCEDURE SP1 AS C INTEGER; BEGIN select count(*) INTO C from test t1, test t2 where t1.c=t2.c and t1.c=1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(C); END; / 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Procedure created. SQL> -- How to create DBMS_SCHEDULER JOB --- SQL> BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB ( 2 3 job_name => '"EP"."SP_RAJ"', <-- Job name 4 job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE', <-- procedure 5 job_action => 'EP.SP1', <-- exec Procedure 6 number_of_arguments => 0, 7 start_date => sysdate, <--- Run immediately after execution 8 repeat_interval => 'FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=15', 9 end_date => NULL, 10 enabled => FALSE, 11 auto_drop => FALSE, 12 comments => 'Testing'); 13 14 DBMS_SCHEDULER.enable( 15 name => '"EP"."SP_RAJ"'); 16 END; 17 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
Step 2: Find the current status of job
-- Please get the job_name from application team SQL> select OWNER, JOB_NAME, STATE from dba_scheduler_jobs where JOB_NAME='SP_RAJ'; OWNER JOB_NAME STATE ---------- ------------------------------ --------------- EP SP_RAJ RUNNING SQL>
SQL> col OWNER for a10 SQL> SELECT OWNER,SESSION_ID,JOB_NAME,RUNNING_INSTANCE FROM dba_scheduler_running_jobs where JOB_NAME='SP_RAJ'; OWNER SESSION_ID JOB_NAME RUNNING_INSTANCE ---------- ---------- --------- ---------------- EP 39 SP_RAJ 1 SQL> SQL> col USERNAME for a10 SQL> col EVENT for a30 SQL> select sid, serial#, username, status, sql_id,to_char(LOGON_TIME, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS LOGON, event from v$session where SID='39'; SID SERIAL# USERNAME STATUS SQL_ID LOGON EVENT ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ 39 99 EP ACTIVE 2p6db5q97bjvt 28-OCT-2016 23:47:02 asynch descriptor resize SQL> SQL> select program, module from v$session where sid='39'; PROGRAM MODULE ------------------------------------------------ ----------------- (J000) DBMS_SCHEDULER SQL> SQL> select vs.program, spid from v$session vs, v$process vp where vs.sid = 39 and vs.paddr = vp.addr; PROGRAM SPID ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ (J000) 2278 SQL> SQL> !ps -ef | grep 2278 oracle 2278 1 48 Oct28 ? 00:09:31 ora_j000_w148p <--- oracle 2559 4445 0 00:06 pts/2 00:00:00 /bin/bash -c ps -ef | grep 2278 oracle 2561 2559 0 00:06 pts/2 00:00:00 grep 2278 SQL>
Step 4: How to find currently job is enabled(or)disabled
SQL> select job_name, enabled from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS WHERE job_name = 'SP_RAJ'; JOB_NAME ENABL ------------------------------ ----- SP_RAJ TRUE SQL>
Step 5: How to Disbale DBMS_SCHEDULER job
BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.disable(name=>'"EP"."SP_RAJ"', force => TRUE); END; / -- OR -- exec sys.DBMS_SCHEDULER.disable(name=>'"EP"."SP_RAJ"', force => TRUE); SQL> select job_name, enabled from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS WHERE job_name = 'SP_RAJ'; JOB_NAME ENABL ------------------------------ ----- SP_RAJ FALSE SQL>
Step 6: How to Enable DBMS_SCHEDULER job
BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.enable(name=>'"EP"."SP_RAJ"'); END; / -- OR -- exec sys.DBMS_SCHEDULER.enable(name=>'"EP"."SP_RAJ"'); SQL> select job_name, enabled from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS WHERE job_name = 'SP_RAJ'; JOB_NAME ENABL ------------------------------ ----- SP_RAJ TRUE SQL>
Step 7: How to stop DBMS_SCHEDULER job
exec sys.dbms_scheduler.STOP_JOB(job_name=>'EP.SP_RAJ', force=>true);
Step 8: How to start DBMS_SCHEDULER job
exec sys.dbms_scheduler.RUN_JOB(job_name=>'EP.SP_RAJ');
Step 9: How to change repeat_interval
SQL> set lines 180 SQL> col REPEAT_INTERVAL for a30 SQL> select OWNER, JOB_NAME, STATE, REPEAT_INTERVAL from dba_scheduler_jobs where JOB_NAME='SP_RAJ'; OWNER JOB_NAME STATE REPEAT_INTERVAL ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ EP SP_RAJ RUNNING FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=15 SQL> -- Current status is running, once job completed. Then do the below or if is it ok stop job then stop job. SQL> select OWNER, JOB_NAME, STATE, REPEAT_INTERVAL from dba_scheduler_jobs where JOB_NAME='SP_RAJ'; OWNER JOB_NAME STATE REPEAT_INTERVAL ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ EP SP_RAJ SCHEDULED FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=15 SQL> SQL> exec sys.DBMS_SCHEDULER.disable(name=>'"EP"."SP_RAJ"', force => TRUE); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select job_name, enabled from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS WHERE job_name = 'SP_RAJ'; JOB_NAME ENABL --------------- ----- SP_RAJ FALSE SQL> SQL> BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE ( name => '"EP"."SP_RAJ"', attribute => 'repeat_interval', value => 'FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=30'); END; / 2 3 4 5 6 7 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select OWNER, JOB_NAME, STATE, REPEAT_INTERVAL from dba_scheduler_jobs where JOB_NAME='SP_RAJ'; OWNER JOB_NAME STATE REPEAT_INTERVAL ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ EP SP_RAJ DISABLED FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=30 SQL> SQL> exec sys.DBMS_SCHEDULER.enable(name=>'"EP"."SP_RAJ"'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select job_name, enabled from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS WHERE job_name = 'SP_RAJ'; JOB_NAME ENABL --------------- ----- SP_RAJ TRUE SQL> select OWNER, JOB_NAME, STATE, REPEAT_INTERVAL from dba_scheduler_jobs where JOB_NAME='SP_RAJ'; OWNER JOB_NAME STATE REPEAT_INTERVAL ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ EP SP_RAJ SCHEDULED FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=30 SQL>
Step 10: DBMS_SCHEDULER tables for Job monitoring
- To review the execution times of a job SELECT JOB_NAME, STATUS, ERROR# FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS; - To review the errors of a Job: select status, error#, substr(additional_info,1,500) from dba_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name='SP_RAJ'; For jobs run by current user: To view all running jobs --> USER_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS To view job statuses --> USER_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS To view log details --> USER_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG For all jobs : To view all running jobs --> DBA_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS To view job statuses --> DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS To view log details --> DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG Monitoring job-scheduling -- To show details on job run: select log_date , job_name , status , req_start_date , actual_start_date , run_duration from dba_scheduler_job_run_details; -- To show running jobs: select job_name , session_id , running_instance , elapsed_time , cpu_used from dba_scheduler_running_jobs; -- To show job history: select log_date , job_name , status from dba_scheduler_job_log; -- show all schedules: select schedule_name, schedule_type, start_date, repeat_interval from dba_scheduler_schedules; -- show all jobs and their attributes: select * from dba_scheduler_jobs; -- show all program-objects and their attributes select * from dba_scheduler_programs; -- show all program-arguments: select * from dba_scheduler_program_args; -- For more help "desc dbms_scheduler;" desc dbms_scheduler;
Caution: Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk. It is provided for educational purposes only. It has been tested internally, however, we do not guarantee that it will work for you. Ensure that you run it in your test environment before using.
Thank you,
Rajasekhar Amudala